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Fear The Big Hulking Horse!

Four legs, a tail and a big hulking body. There is no argument. Horses are LARGE animals. We respect what is larger than us, we would be stupid not to. But is it right to fear it? 

Horses are herd animals. Out in the wild, the way they survive is by staying with their herd, trusting the members of their herd to tell them when it is safe and when it is necessary to be afraid. 

Most horses live in captivity now. Their herd now includes humans, who they are come to identity as the bringers of food and most of the time, the keepers of their safety. For a horse, a human being afraid is a BIG thing. A human being showing fear means there is something to be afraid of! 

So next time you are faced by a BIG horse take a deep breath and try not to run screaming for your life (unless the horse is actually charging you!). It is better to avoid traumatizing unsuspecting horses with your histrionics, until you know when to be afraid, and when to approach a horse with a gentle word.

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