+94 112 820 588

Horse Riding Syllabus




Beginner lessons x 10 lessons

Course outline

To train a rider with no previous knowledge in horses/ ponies on how to approach, mount, dismount and ride a horse in basic gaits.

Course content

Stable management content

-      - How to approach and behave around horses

-      -  Checking riding equipment for safety and fit

-      - Saddling and unsaddling a horse


Horse riding content

-      - Mounting & dismounting

-      - Rising Trot

-      - Sitting Trot

-      - Turns in walk & trot

Riders looking to develop further in their riding following the initial 10 lessons, are usually classified as intermediate riders. Intermediate riders are able to sufficiently control their horse in the basic gaits and are progressing to more advanced movements.

Lesson structures for intermediate riders include the following:

- - - Canter

-      - Negotiating trotting poles

-      - Jumping through basic grids on increasing heights

-      - Jumping a show jumping course/ obstacle course

-      - Riding a dressage test

-      - Mounted Games


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