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Horse Show at Diyatalawa 2018

An exciting and an eye opening weekend!! The Sri Lanka Military Academy organised a spectacular Horse Show, with the Sri Lanka Equestrian Association officiating the events. Some of our more agile horses and riders were part of the festivities over the weekend!! 

A lot of first time events for Sri Lanka! and definitely for us at the Premadasa Riding School!!

It was the very first time that we had a SHOW JUMPING event at heights above 1m!! PRS rider Rashmin de Silva, took a bit of a tumble on his turn around then arena - but he was safe and unbruised!

Premadasa Riding School walked away with a few Winning trophies!!

Ishan Dimbulkumbura took away the trophy for BARREL RACING. He rode our very own Dusty who performed amazingly! Ravindu Fernando, Shan's protege proved his mettle riding an army horse, placing third! 

Our beloved COCO and Shan Shanmuganathan had a memorable fall during the barrel racing event, but

they both found their footing immediately afterwards and walked out on their own steam.

DRIVING is an equestrian event that had never been held in Sri Lanka and Ishan Dimbulkumbura walked away with the award for the best driver, Subramanium Shashikumar (a.k.a Shashi) came in second for the same event!! ....

Krishnamurthi walked away with the award for the best Groom!!

We are proud to note that Sohanya Aziz, although did not place was the only female participant for the day!!

There was a tent pegging event, however non of our PRS riders managed to perform up to the mark on that particular event!! :(

All in all it was an exciting day !!! :D

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