+94 112 820 588

Compliments all round!!


We recently had this very happy email sent to us from a student of ours, with high praise for the Rainbow Academy coaches (who train from the Premadasa Sports Center).

Thank you Kanthie Andersson!

To: Administration, Premadasa Riding School

I am writing this mail to thank you for the great coaching I received at the four swimming lessons  I received while my stay in Sri Lanka in July.  I live in Sweden at present and wanted to take the basic swimming lessons in order to continue later.

I am so thankful to Amila, Sanjaya and the other coach I had lessons with for their skillful training methods.  I had tried a few lessons earlier here in Sweden but probably due to  I’m a slow learner I could learn nothing, and it only made me discouraged.   Thanks to your skillful guidance I could start floating in my first lesson.  I was so thrilled!  In four lessons I learnt a great lot which I can now try myself. 

Wish you all the best and hope to see you next time!


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